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WSS News – August Update

Another week of wet (showery) weather that seems to be the norm this winter. Luckily, we are not getting a lot of rain so no bad flooding and on the whole crops look great, stock look fantastic and grass is a lush green. And luckily, we are nearly into spring.


Now is the time to think about maintenance on irrigation systems. Whether it be field irrigation, crop irrigation, garden irrigation or fire system irrigation they all need general yearly maintenance. It can be checking on pump performance (can relate to wear and tear or demand changes), pressure tank pressure settings or supply side plumbing (especially foot valves). There is also the filter that may need cleaning and checking.


Spray nozzles wear can be impacting significantly on irrigation performance. In garden irrigation systems the rotors can get damaged, and the height and angle settings may need adjusting. There may also be filters at the sprinkler that need checking. It is also important to test for pressure and flow at the sprinkler head. This is especially relevant if you are using mains supply. It is a simple check but invaluable to ensure the system is working as you would like. The controller and cabling should also be checked. A fire system needs to run and checked for pressure and coverage.


Now is the time to talk to WSS about what you should be checking and monitoring.

Kind Regards,

Jack Barclay

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What’s News at WSS? Time to check and monitor in readiness for Spring🌷 (
