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WSS News | August 2024


I have been lucky enough to have had couple of weeks holiday where we did a house exchange with a couple from Brisbane. Managed through a website where you can do simulations swaps or non-simultaneous swaps, or you can use points. No money ever changes hands. It worked wonderfully and it meant a very cheap holiday. No accommodation cost but also a lived in

house with all the benefits of our own kitchen, laundry etc. If you are looking at some travel, I do recommend the concept and opportunity for a much cheaper holiday. Give us a call if you would like to discuss.

Holidays also mean for me an opportunity to catch up on some reading. A book I would highly recommend is ‘Milk’ by Mathew Evans. The wealth of this region and indeed its very fabric of day to day activities is directly or indirectly linked to milk. The farmers to the employees, to the suppliers (like WSS) to the processors and their employees, to the community and sporting organisations and to government (esp. local) we are all beholden in a large degree, in this region, to dairying.

But the book is not about the industry per say but rather the super food that is milk. Not specifically dairy cow milk but the magic of milk. Breast milk, platypus milk, koala milk, cow milk, camel milk. We are what we eat and drink and the importance of colostrum and the balance of available nutrients of milk in the suckling of young. Formula is a very poor substitute. So called alternative milks are almost a joke in how poor a substitute they are.

I love to ride bikes, and I go hard. I am not very good and generally come last but always exhausted. The best recovery drink is milk, scientifically proven. As an aside I did enter a race a couple of weeks ago (in E grade) and I won. Great trophy, some money and all the glory but I am a bit sheepish in acknowledging the win as I was the only entrant. Still, it’s a golden rule – if you turn up you are always a chance.

Looking forward to playing our role in supporting the dairy sector and local community.

Kind regards, Jack 

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