As I get about, I am amazed at how good household gardens look. It is no doubt a combination of another kind (so far) season, the expertise of gardeners, the time they put into the garden and the pride people take in looking after the plants, shrubs and grasses. As we get into summer however, most gardens are going to need additional water and it very important that it is applied with the objective of mimicking rainfall applications that ensure a healthy green landscape. We need to apply just enough (for the health of the plant) but not too much that it either runs off (noting soils can only absorb about 8mm an hour) or goes past the root zone (grassroots are generally no deeper than 150mm).
The objective for lawns and plants is approximating 15mm a week. But this cannot be applied in one application as soils generally cannot absorb more than 8mm/h. So, with the right sprinklers and nozzles, three applications of approximately 20 minutes (lawns) will provide just the right amount of water. For shrubs or trees drip application is recommended as we need a very low application rate but a soaking that we get water down to 500mm (root depth). Again, maybe three or four applications a week and 40 minutes each time. It is best if you do a water budget to know how much water you are likely to use each week and the cost. We strongly recommend automation of irrigation (controllers) as the programme of application is set and happens at a time of day best suited to the plants. Please talk to us if you would like more information on irrigation.
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