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WSS News – November

The wet and cold conditions are becoming really frustrating. However, I am never going to complain about rain again having seen the damage drought does to our landscape, animals (including human suffering) and especially our waterways but please… it would be great to have some sun and warmth for haymaking and harvesting now. The stock look fantastic but surely, they would also like some heat to dry things out. Flies I know are running rampant a bit further North and flystrike is causing major concerns. I appreciate it is further north, but the rivers of the inland are like arteries to our landscape, and they need rainfall to support the ecoculture and it is heartbreaking when in dry times they all but die. To see it now is fantastic (the landscape getting a drink) but floods and the scale this year of damage to human infrastructure and agronomic enterprise is also heartbreaking. We have made the climate angry with air and water pollution and around the world it is taking some revenge. Our lack of care to the environment over the past 100 years will have consequences but it also raises the exciting time of change and innovation. We have to do things differently and use resources more efficiently and Australia is in such a great position with our natural resources, human capital, agricultural expertise and sunshine for alternative energy. The next fifty years will be owned by Australia as we drive the change and provide the key products for the world (agriculture, raw materials, energy). Regards Jack

The technology is available for purchase and in some cases, it is a really important investment for the customer. But in some cases, it is more efficient for WSS to oversee (monitor) that initial install.

Solar pumping is a very big part of our business now so please get in contact to discuss your project.

Regards Jack

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What’s News at WSS? Wet & Cold Conditions
