Whilst it does not feel like spring yet, I am sure a few finer days are not that far away. Hopefully a few drying days.
At WSS we have had a busy winter quoting solar systems, irrigation systems and linked to this later inquiry, fire sprinkler systems. It is a good prompt that installing a garden irrigation system can be designed to combine with installing a couple of strategically placed hydrants (in our case this is a quick coupling connection and ball valve only).
You can link the system to roof sprinklers although this can be expensive. A water line and tap to gutter/s and tap on the storm water pipe/s can be an easy and fairly cheap solution to filling gutters with water. The hydrants give you quick access to water and using a fire hose and fire nozzle (which have been stored over winter).
You will also need to think about being able to easily connect a fire pump to the ring main as it is likely you will be without power on an extreme weather event day. We would suggest quick coupling fittings for the fire pump.
Jobs are piling up for us as it has been too wet to get into the field. If you are thinking about a water project call in and see the team and if the budget looks OK we can lock in a time to install (subject to weather) and without it being too far into the future.
Here’s hoping for a great spring. Commodity prices are generally good and there is a look of positivity about ag into for the while. Stay safe and healthy.
Regards Jack
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